Charged IT Solutions LLC - Phoenix, US - DDoS Protection – Incident details

Phoenix, US - DDoS Protection

Started about 1 month agoLasted 7 days


Phoenix, AZ

Degraded performance from 3:23 PM to 1:52 PM, Operational from 1:52 PM to 2:56 AM

DDoS Protection

Degraded performance from 3:23 PM to 1:52 PM, Operational from 1:52 PM to 2:56 AM

  • Resolved

    DDoS protection services in our Phoenix location have been fully restored. This incident has been closed out. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact your designated account manager.

  • Update

    DDoS protected customers may see elevated latency for a short period of time in our Phoenix location as our upstream provider brings up and rebalances traffic at their LAX center. Updates will continue to be posted when available.

  • Monitoring

    DDoS protection services in Phoenix are now routed to Salt Lake City. Network performance is deemed to no longer be in a degraded status; this incident will be kept open to continue monitoring and providing updates when able.

  • Update

    DDoS protection connectivity is now routed back to Kansas City at this time. We are continuing to monitor and provide updates when available.

  • Update

    DDoS protection services are now rerouted to New York. We are working with our upstream provider to resolve this issue. Further updates will be provided once available.

  • Identified

    DDoS protection services in Phoenix are currently re-routed to Kansas City. Customers may see elevated latency until this is resolved.